Valentine's Day Roses - Pink Garden-Style
Valentine's Day Roses - Pink Garden-Style
The traditional gift of roses with a modern, romantic twist. Our pink garden-style roses are available by the dozen either hand wrapped with long stems or cut and arranged in a contemporary black or white vase with modern greenery (no baby's breath or ferns here!). Upgrade to two dozen and/or add a vase selection below. Precise rose variety may vary with availability.
Pickup will be available at our new studio located at 527 Allegheny Avenue, Oakmont, PA 15139 between the hours of 10-7 on 2/13-2/15. Free delivery between the hours of 12-5 also is available in Oakmont/Verona and $15 delivery is available within a 5 mile radius.
If ordering as a gift, please specify card message in delivery instructions and include recipient phone number for delivery, if applicable. If ordering for pickup, please put studio address above as delivery address (pickup option will be formally activated after our February 7th grand opening!)
Please note that given expected weather conditions, flowers cannot be left outside. Recipients will be contacted by phone the morning of delivery to confirm availability to receive delivery between 12-5 and one delivery attempt will be made. If no one is available to receive the flowers, a note will be left explaining that the flowers can be picked up at the studio. Attempted delivery is non-refundable.